In addition to being the pioneer microfinance bank of Pakistan, KMBL is also leading the Corporate Social Responsibility in the industry and its CSR program has earned remarkable recognition at the 14th International CSR Summit & Awards 2022, organized by National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH). KMBL won a prestigious CSR Award in the category of Social Impact and Sustainability.
KMBL defines its corporate social philosophy as “Khushhali for Everyone”. The bank aspires to create a society in which everyone lives and works together, in harmony with the Environment, to contribute positively in the development of the country. KMBL has been actively incorporating generous CSR programmes in its business-operations comprising of exemplary initiatives, particularly for the community-development, women-empowerment, rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, education, public-health and environmental protection.
In 2021, KMBL took more than 40 CSR initiatives in 40+ cities across Pakistan. Here are the highlights of KMBL’s CSR program for the year 2021: